A simple, clean, fully configurable analogue and digital watch faces for supported Garmin watches, plus 2-12 preset sample watch faces. The premium app can be found at the Garmin store here CleanAnalogPremium and here CleanDigitalPremium and require payment of £1.49 to unlock all features, Without payment only the preset watch faces can be selected see these pages for screenshots of the preset watch faces CleanAnalogPremium Faces, CleanDigitalPremium Faces.
The free apps can be found here CleanAnalog, CleanAnalogPlus and CleanDigitalPlus
If you really like these watch faces please leave a donation via PayPal at www.paypal.me/simonjohnedwards.
To purchase a license:
1. Initially install the watch face CleanAnalogPremium/CleanDigitalPremium from the Garmin App on our phone or PC.
2. After installation, from your phone in the Garmin Connect IQ app, copy the Product ID code from the CleanAnalogPremium/CleanDigialPremium settings page by holding on the code and Copy (See below images))
2. Visit the web page https://www.simonjohnedwards.com/garmin-watches
3. Select the product and precede to payment cart
4. When at the cart and ready to complete payment, use the "Add a note" button and add the Product ID from step 2
5. Once payment has been processed the License Key will be emailed to you
6. Copy the License Key and past into License Key field in the watch face settings on your phone [Garmin Connect IQ app]
7. Save settings, all customisable settings are now active.
If you wish to share your watch face selection please post them to the CleanAnalog Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cleananalog/.
Videos of how to change the settings can be found here https://vimeo.com/241946368 (Garmin Connect) and https://vimeo.com/250027125 (Garmin Express).
Due to some significant changes to this watch face recently you may need to uninstall and reinstall the Watch Face so that the new settings work correctly.
Always on second hand (for supported watches), with option to turn off second hand automatically between Sleep and Wake times (set in Garmin Connect or via the System Settings of the watch)
Date and/or day next to 3 o'clock
Battery next to 9 o'clock with box option
Radial move bar (green 1st hour of no movement, then red segments in 15min intervals) *see notes below for further information
12 pre-set watch faces and full customisable settings
Background colour option
Second hand and/or major (5 minute) tick marks can indicate battery level: blue 100-50%, green 50-30%, yellow 30-15%, red less than 15% (default second hand on, major tic mark off)
Numerals can show phone status, 3-blue if phone connected, 6-yellow if alarms set, 9-green if messages waiting, 12-red when battery below 15%
4 font size options + custom font for symbols on data fields
Top of display date (Day/Date/Month/Week - short and long versions) or data fields, sunrise/sunset, latitude/longitude, +boxed option
Bottom left and right fields with digital time, battery %, distance/day (km/miles), distance past 7 days (km/miles), calories, steps, current heart rate, notifications, alarms, sunrise, sunset, latitude, longitude, altitude(ft/m), barometric pressure(hPa), ambient pressure(hPa)
Option to interchange the position of the top and bottom fields, flip them around
Battery icon changes with battery level, 5 different icon images
Option to override bottom left and/or bottom right data fields with notification number and icon when notifications are waiting
12/24 hour selector for digital time
Second time zone selector, including 1hour daylight saving/summer time adjustment option
5 thickness options for tic marks, second hand, hour hand, minute hand
Configurable colours for all elements
Option for hands to be on top or behind date next to 3 o'clock, battery next to 9 o’clock and 3,6,9,12 (default on top)
Auto adjust of tick marks depending on numerals enabled/disabled
What is CleanAnalog and CleanAnalogPlus?
A simple, clean, fully configurable analogue watch face with continuous second hand (for supported watches), plus 12 pre-set sample watch faces. If you like this please leave a donation via PayPal at www.paypal.me/simonjohnedwards.
CleanAnalog supports a large range of watches - Compatible Devices: Approach® S60, D2™ Bravo, D2™ Bravo Titanium, D2™ Charlie, Descent™ Mk1, ForeAthlete® 735XTJ, Forerunner® 230, Forerunner® 235, Forerunner® 630, Forerunner® 735XT, Forerunner® 935, fēnix® 3, fēnix® 3 HR, fēnix® 5, fēnix® 5S, fēnix® 5X, fēnix® Chronos, vívoactive® 3.
CleanAnalogPlus is a more advanced watch face that takes advantage of some of the new features of Garmin’s latest watches - Compatible Devices: Approach® S60, D2™ Charlie, Forerunner® 645, Forerunner® 645 Music, Forerunner® 935, fēnix® 5, fēnix® 5S, fēnix® 5X, fēnix® Chronos, vívoactive® 3.
How do I change the watch settings?
Videos of how to change the settings can be found here https://vimeo.com/241946368 (Garmin Connect) and https://vimeo.com/250027125 (Garmin Express).
Why is it that the settings I apply through Garmin Connect to Garmin Express do not seem to match what is displayed on the watch?
Due to some significant changes to this watch face recently you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app so that the new settings work correctly.
When I try to update using Garmin Connect on my phone I get an error that saying that an update cannot be applied, why is this?
Due to an issue with how Garmin Connect App works, you may need to select an in-built watch face prior to applying watch face updates, as you cannot update a watch face if it is currently active on the watch. This is not the case if the update is done via a PC using Garmin Express.
Why do I not get a continuous second hand?
Not all Garmin watches support what is called 1hz (1 second) refreshing required to display a continuous second hand. Garmin does not allow access to 1hz refreshing even though their in-built watch faces do. For example, Garmin Fenix 3’s in-built watch faces do show a continuous however this feature is not available to developer of third party watch faces.
Watches that do support the continuous second hand are: Approach® S60, D2™ Charlie, Forerunner® 645, Forerunner® 645 Music, Forerunner® 935, fēnix® 5, fēnix® 5S, fēnix® 5X, fēnix® Chronos, vívoactive® 3.
For other watches, when you flick your wrist the watch wakes, and enters the “Awake” mode and displays the second hand however enters “Sleep” mode several seconds later and the second hand will disappear. This is due to the older watches not supporting 1hz refreshing as this would unduly drain the battery of these older watches.
Does CleanAnalog or CleanAnalogPlus drain my battery?
I have written the code in a way that only the fields being shown are calculated, hence it is NOT calculating everything that the watch is capable of. This is to make sure the least amount of computation time is involved and make both the code and battery life as optimal as possible. I have a Garmin Forerunner 935 and over 7 days it went from 100% to 16%, during which I completed 12 hours of 100% GPS activity – running and cycling. I also have a Garmin Vivoactive 3 which achieves 3-4 days between charges with 3 hours of GPS activity, and a Forerunner 735XT which achieve at least 7 days.
There are general concerns over the battery life of the Vivoactive 3 which can be found at this forum https://forums.garmin.com/forum/into-sports/health-fitness/vivoactive-3-aa/1291047-new-to-va3-battery-problem.
Vivoactive 3 auto-updates issue
For Vivoactive 3, Garmin have implemented “Auto-Update Apps” in the Device Settings, however for watch faces to update a different watch face needs to be selected and hence when Garmin Connect Mobile attempts auto-updates it causes the watch face to automatically change the watch face and the update fails. Disabling this feature may resolve this.
I cannot get the CleanAnalog to install on my Garmin Forerunner 230/235/630, what is the problem?
Garmin in late 2017 released a new Software Development Kit for developers, version 2.4.1 and more recently 2.4.2, which included Connect IQ 1.4.4. Initially they did not update all the Garmin watches with the latest firmware to support this. However, they released beta firmware that did work and more recently software version 7.60. You will need to update your watch to the new Garmin software version 7.60 for CleanAnalog to work on your watch.
How does the heart rate field work?
Heart rate is included as one of the fields, however heart rate measurement frequency varies from watch to watch (https://support.garmin.com/faqSearch/en-US/faq/content/xQwjQjzUew4BF1GYcusE59 ). In addition to this there is a computation time limitation on Garmin watches which if exceeded stops the 1 second updates and hence providing real time heart rate all the time as well as the second hand all the time is not possible. The heart rate will be real time when the watch is in Awake mode which can be activated by flicking your wrist.
On first stating CleanAnalog and CleanAnalogPlus will first look for a current heart rate, if one is not found the app will search the activity history and find the last valid heart rate. If no heart rate can be find in either of these ways, it will display “–“. As soon as it does find a valid heart rate it will save this and remember the heart rate, however each update will look for a current heart rate, then the last stored and again if neither are available it will use the last saved heart rate that the watch recalls. Hence you should only see the symbols “–” once on watches that support heart rate, and as soon as the first valid heart rate is found will display a valid heart rate. For watches that do not have a heart rate monitor “–” will always be displayed always.
Why in CleanAnalogPlus is the latitude and longitude, and/or the sunrise and sunset incorrect?
You may need to trigger a GPS event to get the first position readings for the above features. Once this is done the watch face stores its position and will use this in the future as a staring point if a current location is not available. However, after each update of the app you may need to trigger another GPS event to obtain the latitude and longitude. To trigger a GPS start the watch in a sports activity and make sure that it finds a successful GPS position.
When first started CleanAnalog and CleanAnalogPlus will start with latitude 0.0 and longitude 0.0. They will then search for the activity history for the last know position and if found will use this, and save this to the watch. Follow this, each time the watch faces restart they will first use the saved location. While the watch is active it will update the location based on the most recent GPS location, and if different to the saved position it will update the saved position. In this way the watch app will always have the most recent position. When the watch app is updated to a new version this process will be repeated.
Does CleanAnalog and CleanAnalogPlus support goals that are achieved?
CleanAnalog and CleanAnalogPlus do not have their own in-built for displaying when goals are achieved, the app allows the in-built watch software to do this and so when goals are achieved they will be displayed briefly in place of the watch face, however this is from the watch software.
How does the move feature work on the CleanAnalogPlus work?
The Garmin watches have a move function, which alerts you if you have not moved for a while (enable this in the watch settings). The watch has 5 levels of none movement, 1=no movement for an hour, 2=no movement for an hour + 15min, 3= +15min, 4= +15min, 5= +15min hence level 5 is no movement for 2 hours. The watch app displays this as half a green circle from 12 o'clock clockwise to 6 o'clock for the first hour, then red segments clockwise from 6 o'clock back to 12 o'clock when the full 2 hours is reached.
Garmin provide to the developers the following for the movebar, a value between 0 – 5 indicated as follows:
0 = no move bar OR reset after movement
1 = no movement for 1 hour
2 = no movement for 1 hour + 15 min
3 = no movement for 1 hour + 30 min
4 = no movement for 1 hour + 45 min
5 = no movement for 1 hour + 60 min (hence 2 hours)
CleanAnalogPlus move bar shows all the levels above:
0 = no move bar OR essentially reset after movement – no colour
1 = no movement for 1 hour – green ring from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock clockwise
2 = no movement for 1 hour + 15 min – additional to above a 25% red segment from 6 o’clock toward 12 o’clock clockwise
3 = no movement for 1 hour + 30 min – additional to above a 25% red segment from 6 o’clock toward 12 o’clock clockwise
4 = no movement for 1 hour + 45 min – additional to above a 25% red segment from 6 o’clock toward 12 o’clock clockwise
5 = no movement for 1 hour + 60 min (hence 2 hours) – green ring from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock clockwise and red segment from 6 o’clock toward 12 o’clock clockwise
What is the difference between Ambient, Barometric and History pressure?
The Ambient and Barometric pressure are real-time pressure readings from the in-built sensor. The Ambient pressure should be directly associated with altitude. Whereas Barometric pressure (or Atmospheric pressure) is associated with the pressure due to weather conditions and is what is given in weather reports, and mean sea level pressure is the average atmospheric pressure at sea level. The option of History Pressure is more accurate on some watches as it is taken from the pressure history stored in the watch and in the case of this watch app the most recent pressure history data is displayed.
If you have questions, please contact me by email at cleananalog@outlook.com